Gemstones – the alternative commodity investment

In uncertain times, the demand for alternative investment opportunities automatically increases. Many commodities are traditionally considered crisis-proof investments. However, most people immediately think of precious metals such as gold or silver.

Gemstones can also be a crisis-proof investment if a few things are taken into account.

What counts as gemstones?

Gemstones have always been a sign of wealth and power and thus a status symbol. To this day, they are often made into jewelry for this purpose. But they can also serve as a pure value investment.

The term “gemstone” includes natural raw materials that can occur in various forms. For example, the diamond is one of the minerals. Gemstones can also be natural glasses, such as the obsidian, or made of organic materials, such as amber, or biogenic materials, such as the pearl.

To be generally considered a gemstone, three different criteria are used: The purity or transparency, a Mos hardness higher than 7 for mineral gemstones, and the rarity of the stone.

In which gems can be invested

Investments in gemstones are basically in the form of a physical purchase of the stones. Whether an investment is worthwhile depends primarily on the type of stone.

The “big three” among gemstones are rubies, emeralds and sapphires. Although most people immediately think of diamonds when they hear the term “gemstone,” the diamond is not necessarily the best agent of choice.

On the one hand, diamonds are actually not as rare as often assumed, on the other hand, the gemstone market is dominated by only a few, so that the entry for private investors is rather not suitable and profitable. In addition, the value of diamonds has not increased for more than 10 years. Diamonds are therefore only suitable as a long-term investment, if at all.

Therefore, the choice of the right stones is extremely difficult for laymen. You are on safe terrain if you actually stick to the “big three”, or possibly switch to really rare stones such as tourmalines or tanzanites.

Invest only in natural colored and untreated, but polished stones.

Regardless of the choice of stones, an investment in gemstones is profitable only if the stones are natural and untreated, but cut. Cutting gemstones is not considered a treatment for beautification.

Treatments such as heating, irradiation, or crack filling are not appropriate when gemstones are considered an investment. This increases the color and luminosity of the stone, but decreases its value.

When buying gemstones, it is also important to have a certificate from an independent gemmological laboratory that is internationally recognized. Such a certificate guarantees the authenticity of the stone and should always be kept separately from the stone.

Unlike precious metals such as gold or silver, there is no global market for gemstones. Therefore, the stones are purchased from gem dealers or jewelers. For this purpose, gemstones can be purchased at prestigious auctions.




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