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The stock market information service CAPITAL-MANAGER (capital-manager.com) is an information product of CAPITAL-MANAGER (capital-manager.com) and is aimed primarily at risk-conscious investors. The focus is particularly on growth and technology sectors in which groundbreaking upheavals and far-reaching changes are currently taking place and which are associated with major opportunities and risks. The CAPITAL-MANAGER (capital-manager.com) informs you with its publications mainly about small caps, which are listed on the TSX-V, CSE, ASX, AIM as well as on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the Berlin Stock Exchange or the Stuttgart Stock Exchange. These are stock market segments of the highest risk class. Due to possible low liquidity, the potentially suddenly changing news situation of the respective company during or after the publications of our corresponding information as well as low market capitalization, these stocks are highly speculative or extremely volatile and represent not only an enormous opportunity but also an equally high risk for the capital invested by the investor. An investment in individual shares is generally subject to very strong price fluctuations. The considerable opportunities are also offset by considerable risks. The shares of the companies discussed here are, like any share, subject to price change risk. In the worst case, shareholders are threatened. like any other shareholder, a total risk of loss. The investment in the shares is subject to entrepreneurial risk, as is any entrepreneurial investment and any investment in shares. If the company’s targets are not met, the worst-case scenario could be insolvency, resulting in a total loss of the share investment.
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